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Reproductive System Related Questions and Answers

 Reproductive System Important MCQ/Quiz :-

Reproductive system related questions for competitive exams

 Definition of reproductive system:-

 The system of organs and parts which function in reproduction consisting in the male especially of the testes, penis, seminal vesicles, prostate, and urethra and in the female especially of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, and vulva.

What is the main function of the reproductive system :-

The major function of the reproductive system is to ensure survival of the species. Other systems in the body, such as the endocrine and urinary systems, work continuously to maintain homeostasis for survival of the individual.

What is the main function of female reproductive system:-

The female reproductive system is designed to carry out several functions. It produces the female egg cells necessary for reproduction, called the ova or oocytes. The system is designed to transport the ova to the site of fertilization.

Reproductive System Related Questions and Answers:- 

1. There are some special types of cells found in the seminiferous tubules known as Sertoli cells. There are  ?

(A) Germinal cells

(B) Reproductive cells

(C) Somatic cells

(D) Protective cells

... Answer is (B)

 2. Spermatogenesis is promoted by ?

(A) Estrogen

(B) Progesterone

(C) Testosterone

(D) Oxytocin

... Answer is (B)

 3. If the vas deferens of a man is surgically disconnected ?

(A) Sperms in the semen will be without nuclei

(B) Semen will be without sperms

(C) Spermatogenesis will not occur

(D) Sperms in the semen will be non-motile

... Answer is (B)

 4. The nutritive medium for the ejaculated sperms is given by ?

(A) Seminal fluid

(B) Vaginal fluid

(C) Uterine lining

(D) Fallopian tube

... Answer is (B)

 5. Graafian follicle are characteristically found in the ?

(A) Thyroid of mammal

(B) Ovary of frog

(C) Testis of mammal

(D) Ovary of mammal

... Answer is (B)

 6. What is the female counterpart of prostate gland in the male (man) ?

(A) Bartholin's gland

(B) Uterus

(C) Clitoris

(D) None of these

... Answer is (B)

 7. Which one of the following statements in incorrect about Menstruation ?

(A) At menopause the female is, there is especially abrupt increase in gonadotropic hormones

(B) The beginning of the cycle of Menstruation is called menarche

(C) During normal menstruation about 40 ml blood is lost

(D) The menstrual fluid can easily clot

... Answer is (B)

 8. In woman cessation of Menstruation occurs at the age of ?

(A) 12-14 years

(B)  45-58 years

(C) 60 years

(D) Does not occur at all

... Answer is (B)

 9. Cessation of menstrual cycle in the human female is known as ?

(A) Ovulation

(B) Puberty

(C) Menopause

(D) Maturation

... Answer is (B)

 10.  The menstrual cycle in normal adult woman is of ?

(A) 48 days

(B) 38 days

(C) 18 days

(D) 28 days

... Answer is (B)

 11.Fallopian tube is the part of ?

(A) Uterus

(B) Ureter

(C) Oviduct

(D) Vas deferens

... Answer is (B)

 12. The substance secreted by the corpus luteum is ?

(A) Hormone

(B) Enzyme

(C) Pheromone

(D) Bile

... Answer is (B)

 13. In the 28 day human ovarian cycle, the ovulation takes place typically on ?

(A) Day 1 of the cycle

(B) Day 5 of the cycle

(C) Day 14 of the cycle

(D) Day 28 of the cycle

... Answer is (B)

 14. The cyclic period of sexual activity in nonhuman female mammals is called ?

(A) Menstruation

(B) Luteinization

(C) Oogenesis

(D) Estrous

... Answer is (B)

 15. Bartholin's glands are situated ?

(A) On either side of vas deferens in humans

(B) On the sides of the head of frog

(C) At the reduced tail end of birds

(D) On either side of vagina in humans

... Answer is (B)

 16. In mammals the female secondary (accessory) sexual characters are developed by the hormone ?

(A) Relaxin

(B) Estrogens

(C) Progesterone

(D) Gonadotropins

... Answer is (B)

 17. Acrosome of sperm is formed from ?

(A) Nucleus of spermatid

(B) Mitochondria of spermatid

(C) Golgi complex of spermatid

(D) Centrosome of spermatid

... Answer is (B)

 18. What helps in the penetration of egg by the sperm ?

(A) Fertilizin

(B) Antifertilizin

(C) Sperm lysin

(D) Fertilization membrane

... Answer is (B)

 19. Capacitation of sperms occurs in ?

(A) Female genital tract

(B) Vas deferens

(C) Vas Efferens

(D) Vagina

... Answer is (B)

 20. Which hormon is hyposecretion then result abortion ?

(A) Androgen

(B) Relaxin

(C) Estrogen

(D) Progesterone

... Answer is (B)

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