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Historical Background of Constitution | Constitutional Development of India | Constitutional development of India for SSC, UPSC, NTPC RAILWAY

 Constitutional Development of India -                               हिंदी में 

The British came to India in 1600 as traders, in the form of east India Company. Which had the exclusive right of trading in India under a charter granted by Queen Elizabeth 1st.
This rule continued until India was granted independence on August 15, 1947.

The company Rule ( 1773-1858 )

Regulating Act 1773- 

It was the first step taken by the British Govt. to control and regulate the affairs of East India Company in India. It recognized, for the first time , the political and administrative functions of the Company.

It designated the Governor of Bengal as the 'Governor General of Bengal'. The first such Governor General was Lord Warren Hastings.

Bengal's first governor - Robert Clive.

Pitt's India Act of 1784-

The next important act was the Pitt's India act of 1784.
It distinguished between the commercial and political functions of the Company. It allowed the court of Directors to manage the commercial affairs but created a new body called Board of Control to manage the political affairs. Thus, it established a system of double government.

Charter act of 1813- 

East India company was deprived of its trade monopoly in India except in tea and opium trade with China.
A sum of Rs. 1 lac was earmarked annually for education for Indian.
Christian Missionaries allowed Religious propaganda. 

Charter act of 1833-

This act was the final step towards  centralization in British India.It made the Governor general of Bengal as the Governor General of India. 
Lord William Bentick was the first Governor General of India.

Charter act of 1853-

It separated, for the first time, the legislative and executive functions of the governor general council. 

The Crown Rule ( 1858-1947 )-

Government of India Act of 1858-

It changed the designation of the Governor General of India to that of Victory of India.
Lord Canning thus became the first viceroy of India.
It ended the system of double government by abolishing the Board of control and Court of Directors.
It created a new office, Secretary of state for India. It established 15 member Council of India, to assist the Secretary of state for India.

Indian council Act of 1909-

This Act is also known as Morley- Minto reforms .Lord Morley was the Secretary of India and Lord Minto was the Viceroy of India. It considerably increased the size of the legislative councils, both central and provincial.
It provided ( for the first time ) for the association of Indians with the executive councils of the viceroy and governors.
Satyendra Prasad Sinha became the first Indian to join the Viceroy executive council. He was appointed as the law member.
it introduced a system of communal representation for Muslims by accepting the concept of ' separate electorate '.

Government of India Act 1919 -

This act is also known as Montagu - Chelmsford Reforms. Montagu was the secretory of state for India and Chelmsford was the viceroy of India. It introduced, for the first time, bicameralism and direct elections in the country.
It provided for the establishment of a public service commission- 1926.

Government of India Act 1935 -

This act is largest of Indian constitution.
The act marked a second milestone towards a completely responsible government in India. The act divided the powers between the Centre and units in terms of three lists - Federal list, Provincial list and the Concurrent list. 
It abolished dyarchy in the provinces and introduced ' provincial autonomy ' in its place. It provided for the adoption of dyarchy at the Centre. It created posts of A.G.& C.A.G., 2 new states Sindh and Odisha , Burma seperated from India 1937.

Indians Independence Act of 1947 -

 On Feb.20, 1947, the British Prime Minister Clement Atlee declared that the British rule in India would end by June 30,1948. This announcement was followed by the Muslims League demanding partition of country .
June 3,1947 Lord Mountbatten, the viceroy of India , put forth the partition plan, known as the Mountbatten Plan. The plan was accepted by the Muslims league .
It ended the British rule in India and declared India as an independent and sovereign state from August 15,1947.

"This is the historical background of Indian constitution."

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