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Respiratory System Related Important Questions and Answers For Competitive Exams

Respiration :-

 Respiration is the biochemical process in which the cells of an organism obtain energy by combining oxygen and glucoses.

Type of Respiration:-

  1. Aerobic Respiration :- In this respiration use oxygen
  2. Anaerobic Respiration:- Anaerobic respiration is a type of respiration that does not use oxygen.

Respiratory System questions

What the respiratory system does?

      The lungs and respiratory system allow us to breathe. They bring oxygen into our bodies (called inspiration, or inhalation) and send carbon dioxide out (called expiration, or exhalation). This exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is called respiration.

What is the most common respiratory disease?

   Chronic respiratory diseases are chronic diseases of the airways and other structures of the lung. Two of the most common are asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

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Respiratory System Related Questions and Answers:-

1. Which of the following is a respiratory organ of scropion ?

(A) Gill

(B) Lung

(C) Ctenidia

(D) Book lung

... Answer is (B)

 2. Vocal cords are situated at ?

(A) Pharynx

(B) Larynx

(C) Glottis

(D) Bronchial tube

... Answer is (A)

 3. Which is a common passage in swallowing food and breathing 

(A) Larynx

(B) Gullet

(C) Glottis

(D) Pharynx

... Answer is (C)

 4. In human beings, lungs are divided into ?

(A) 3 right and 2 left lobes

(B) 2 right and 3 left lobes

(C) 2 right and 2 left lobes

(D) None

... Answer is (D)

 5. There is a membrane covering the lungs, called ?

(A) Peritonium

(B) Pleural

(C) Pricardium

(D) Duramater

... Answer is (A)

 6. The structure which prevents the entry of food into respiratory tract is ?

(A) Pharynx

(B) Larynx

(C) Glottis

(D) Epiglottis

... Answer is (B)

 7. The amount of volume of air that can be inspired/expired normally is called?

(A) Tidal volume

(B) Vital capacity

(C) Residual volume

(D) Normal volume

... Answer is (C)

 8.  Capacity of human lung for air ?

(A) 3000 ml

(B) 1500 ml

(C) 1000 ml

(D) 500 m

... Answer is (B)

 9. The volume of 'anatomical dead space' air is normally ? 

(A) 230 ml

(B) 210 ml

(C) 190 ml

(D) 150 ml

... Answer is (A)

 10. In anaerobic respiration the pyruvic acid in uscle will form ?

(A) Lactic acid (C3H6O3) and H2O

(B) Alcohol (C2H5OH) and H2O

(C) Acetaldehyde and H2O

(D) Acetyl CoA and H2O

... Answer is (D)

 11. Oxygen is transported to every cell of the body through ?



(C) RBC and WBC

(D) RBC and hormones

... Answer is (A)

 12. In a minute normal man respires  ?

(A) 10 times

(B) 16 times

(C) 30 times

(D) 4 times

... Answer is (C)

 13. The respiratory centre in brain which controls inspiration and expiration is situated in ?

(A) Medulla oblongata

(B) Cerebellum

(C) Hypothalamus

(D) Pericardium

... Answer is (A)

 14.The toxic effect of carbon monoxide is due to it sgreater affinity for haemoglobin as compared to oxygen approximately by ?

(A) 2 times

(B) 20 times

(C) 200 times

(D) 1000 times

... Answer is (B)

 15. The 'Blue baby' syndrome results from ?

(A) Excess of dissolved oxygen

(B) Excess of TDS (total dissolved solids)

(C) Excess of chloride

(D) Methaemoglobin

... Answer is (C)

 16. True organ of sound production in birds is ?

(A) Larynx

(B) Sound box

(C) Vocal sac

(D) Syrinx

... Answer is (D)

 17. In an accident, a man dies immediately although their was no injury to brain, kidney, stomach and heart. The probable cause of death may be ?

(A) Coagulation of RBC

(B) Digestion stopped

(C) Diaphragm got punchtured

(D) Larynx got punctured

... Answer is (A)

 18. How many ATP molecules are obtained from fermentation of 1 molecule of glucose ?

(A) 2

(B) 4

(C) 3

(D) 5

... Answer is (B)

 19. What is the total gain of energy during anaerobic respiration ?

(A) One molecule of ATP

(B) Two molecule of ATP

(C) Four molecules of ATP

(D) Eight molecules of ATP

... Answer is (B)

 20. Adenosine diphospate contains ?

(A) One high energy bond

(B) Two high energy bond

(C) Three high energy bond

(D) Four high energy bond

... Answer is (A)

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